Certains systèmes rencontrent des problèmes

À propos du site

Ce service prend régulièrement le pouls des Services FACiLes et vous renseigne sur leur état de santé.

Incidents antérieurs

mercredi 27 juillet 2022

Aucun incident signalé

mardi 26 juillet 2022

transfertfacile [Nagios] http-transfertfacile

HTTP OK: Status line output matched "200" - 11808 bytes in 0.260 second response time

parlotefacile [Nagios] http-parlotefacile

HTTP OK: Status line output matched "200" - 32695 bytes in 0.134 second response time

journalfacile [Nagios] http-journalfacile

HTTP OK: Status line output matched "200" - 80517 bytes in 4.334 second response time

transfertfacile [Nagios] http-transfertfacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

transfertfacile [Nagios] http-transfertfacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

journalfacile [Nagios] http-journalfacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

transfertfacile [Nagios] http-transfertfacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

journalfacile [Nagios] http-journalfacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

transfertfacile [Nagios] http-transfertfacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

journalfacile [Nagios] http-journalfacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

journalfacile [Nagios] http-journalfacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

parlotefacile [Nagios] http-parlotefacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

parlotefacile [Nagios] http-parlotefacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

parlotefacile [Nagios] http-parlotefacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

parlotefacile [Nagios] http-parlotefacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

canalfacile [Nagios] http-canalfacile

HTTP OK: Status line output matched "200" - 11781 bytes in 0.073 second response time

jasettefacile [Nagios] http-jasettefacile

HTTP OK: Status line output matched "200" - 27233 bytes in 0.182 second response time

codefacile [Nagios] http-codefacile

HTTP OK: Status line output matched "200" - 28854 bytes in 0.328 second response time

formulairefacile [Nagios] http-formulairefacile

HTTP OK: Status line output matched "200" - 15240 bytes in 0.169 second response time

wikifacile [Nagios] http-wikifacile

HTTP OK: Status line output matched "200" - 25449 bytes in 2.428 second response time

formulairefacile [Nagios] http-formulairefacile

connect to address and port 443: Connection refused HTTP CRITICAL - Unable to open TCP socket

wikifacile [Nagios] http-wikifacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

formulairefacile [Nagios] http-formulairefacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

canalfacile [Nagios] http-canalfacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

conferencefacile [Nagios] http-conferencefacile

HTTP OK: Status line output matched "200" - 76772 bytes in 0.013 second response time

conferencefacile [Nagios] http-conferencefacile

connect to address and port 443: Connection refused HTTP CRITICAL - Unable to open TCP socket

formulairefacile [Nagios] http-formulairefacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

canalfacile [Nagios] http-canalfacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

jasettefacile [Nagios] http-jasettefacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

canalfacile [Nagios] http-canalfacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

jasettefacile [Nagios] http-jasettefacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

codefacile [Nagios] http-codefacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

canalfacile [Nagios] http-canalfacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

jasettefacile [Nagios] http-jasettefacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

codefacile [Nagios] http-codefacile

connect to address and port 443: Connection refused HTTP CRITICAL - Unable to open TCP socket

jasettefacile [Nagios] http-jasettefacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

codefacile [Nagios] http-codefacile

connect to address and port 443: Connection refused HTTP CRITICAL - Unable to open TCP socket

codefacile [Nagios] http-codefacile

connect to address and port 443: Connection refused HTTP CRITICAL - Unable to open TCP socket

lundi 25 juillet 2022

codefacile [Nagios] http-codefacile

HTTP OK: Status line output matched "200" - 28432 bytes in 0.641 second response time

codefacile [Nagios] http-codefacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

codefacile [Nagios] http-codefacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

parlotefacile [Nagios] http-parlotefacile

HTTP OK: Status line output matched "200" - 32695 bytes in 0.423 second response time

parlotefacile [Nagios] http-parlotefacile

HTTP CRITICAL - Invalid HTTP response received from host on port 443: HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway

codefacile [Nagios] http-codefacile

HTTP OK: Status line output matched "200" - 28432 bytes in 0.199 second response time

codefacile [Nagios] http-codefacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

codefacile [Nagios] http-codefacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

codefacile [Nagios] http-codefacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

codefacile [Nagios] http-codefacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

jasettefacile [Nagios] http-jasettefacile

HTTP OK: Status line output matched "200" - 27231 bytes in 1.532 second response time

jasettefacile [Nagios] http-jasettefacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

jasettefacile [Nagios] http-jasettefacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

jasettefacile [Nagios] http-jasettefacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

dimanche 24 juillet 2022

canalfacile [Nagios] http-canalfacile

HTTP OK: Status line output matched "200" - 11781 bytes in 0.014 second response time

canalfacile [Nagios] http-canalfacile

connect to address and port 443: Connection refused HTTP CRITICAL - Unable to open TCP socket

jasettefacile [Nagios] http-jasettefacile

HTTP OK: Status line output matched "200" - 27245 bytes in 0.149 second response time

jasettefacile [Nagios] http-jasettefacile

HTTP CRITICAL - No data received from host

jasettefacile [Nagios] http-jasettefacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

jasettefacile [Nagios] http-jasettefacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

jasettefacile [Nagios] http-jasettefacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

journalfacile [Nagios] http-journalfacile

HTTP OK: Status line output matched "200" - 80517 bytes in 0.729 second response time

journalfacile [Nagios] http-journalfacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

samedi 23 juillet 2022

jasettefacile [Nagios] http-jasettefacile

HTTP OK: Status line output matched "200" - 27243 bytes in 0.190 second response time

jasettefacile [Nagios] http-jasettefacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

jasettefacile [Nagios] http-jasettefacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

jasettefacile [Nagios] http-jasettefacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

jasettefacile [Nagios] http-jasettefacile

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds

vendredi 22 juillet 2022

Aucun incident signalé

jeudi 21 juillet 2022

canalfacile [Nagios] http-canalfacile

HTTP OK: Status line output matched "200" - 11781 bytes in 0.005 second response time

canalfacile [Nagios] http-canalfacile

connect to address and port 443: Connection refused HTTP CRITICAL - Unable to open TCP socket

canalfacile [Nagios] http-canalfacile

connect to address and port 443: Connection refused HTTP CRITICAL - Unable to open TCP socket

canalfacile [Nagios] http-canalfacile

connect to address and port 443: Connection refused HTTP CRITICAL - Unable to open TCP socket

canalfacile [Nagios] http-canalfacile

connect to address and port 443: Connection refused HTTP CRITICAL - Unable to open TCP socket